Our Team

Jeffrey leads the direction of the company. He keeps a finger on day-to-day operations with marketing, financing, property management, and staffing.
Jeffrey Libert
President & Chairman
Dan is directly responsible for debt and equity. He also focuses on investor relations, corporate strategy, and acquisitions in the New England region.
Dan Sterner
Chief Financial Officer
Anderson is directly responsible for property operations, capital projects, and marketing. He also focuses on acquisitions in Florida and New York City.
Anderson Libert
Chief Operating Officer
Vicky is responsible for maintaining daily property operations, management systems, resident relations, and ensuring that all properties are meeting their monthly budgeting requirements.
Vicky Tingos
Director of Operations
Jennifer directs the accounting department to ensure proper financial reporting. She is also responsible for all of the daily cash operations and investor distributions.
Jennifer McCart-Cusick
Deborah is responsible for the accounting functions of a selected number of properties. She is also the 401(k) plan administrator.
Deborah A. St. Paul
Sr. Account Manager
Michelle is responsible for acquisitions and dispositions as well as arranging and assuring all financial closings. She is also the corporate liaison for investors, institutions, and lenders.
Michelle Dern
Assoc. Dir., Finance & Investment
Abrasha is responsible for employee payroll and pension plans, and works on various property accounting functions.
Abrasha Williams
Sr. Account Manager
Mike is responsible for financial modeling, analyzing complex financial data, quarterly investor statements, managing due diligence during acquisitions & dispositions and various other needs.
Mike Ryan
Acquisitions & Analytics
Betsy manages HR activities such as employee relations, compensation and benefits administration, staffing support and employment regulatory compliance.
Betsy Peluso
Director of Human Relations
Rachel oversees the operations for all of the properties.
Rachel Reynolds
Operations Manager
Lynn oversees renovations and builds out community amenity spaces for the Forest Portfolio.
Lynn Capuano
Project Manager
Amy oversees the property management of properties in Boston MetroWest and South, and in NYC.
Amy Schmelter
Regional Manager
Liz oversees the property management of New Hampshire area communities.
Liz McBride
Regional Manager
Sheila oversees property management of apartment communities in Florida.
Sheila Fialkowski
Regional Manager
Danyelle oversees the property management of New Hampshire area communities.
Danyelle Barry
Regional Manager
Tara oversees the property management of Massachusetts and New Hampshire communities.
Tara Ruiz
Regional Manager
Christian oversees the property management of apartment communities in Florida.
Christian Amaya
Regional Manager
Kevin specializes in renovating distressed assets and builds out community amenity spaces for the Forest Portfolio.
Kevin Arsenault
Project Manager
Lauren is the office manager of the Palm Beach office.
Lauren Karabela
Office Manager
Chris manages and monitors Forest Properties assets.
Chris Nocek
Asset Manager